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Bike Shop Show

Aug 24, 2021

Update on how I'm feeling and posting this show from April of 2020 that was posted on Cyclocross Today!

It’s a show about the more subtle and amusing aspects of the world of Cyclocross. What are the lengths that we all go to for this sport that we love.

Today’s show Commit to CX has 2 chapters that explore...

Aug 1, 2021

With Scott down for the count for a while, David and Doug bring viewers up to speed on what happened and introduce a classic and timely episode of The Bike Shop Show.

Jul 14, 2021

This week Mr. David Palan and I visit the rigs of the 2021 Tour Divide. Probably the largest spread of possible bike set up of any single form of cycling. Viewer questions from the Wheel build Challenge as well!

Bike Shop Show socials: Instagram - Twitter

Mr. David Palan socials: Instagram - Twitter

If you'd like to...

Jun 30, 2021

The final installment of the wheel build challenge! Mr. David Palan and I bring the latest wheelbuild challenge to a conclusion and send you out to build some wheels! We also get in a discussion of past and present warm showers guests that have stayed at my house over the years.

Become a warm showers host:

Jun 16, 2021

This week we continue with the 2nd part of our wheelbuild challenge update where we discuss the tools you'll need to do your wheelbuild. Yes, you only have one more episode of this to suffer through!

Wheel Fanatyk:


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